So my 7 year old is in gymnastics, as we have seen an inate ability in her since she was balancing on over-turned boxes before she was 2. We were estatic when our local community gymnastic program commisioned a serious gymnastics gymnasium and instructors this year. It was so exciting to see her on a real balance beam and bars, but we could see it was finally challenging for her. And then it came, the letter about a bars clinic for an hour at an outrageous price. And I struggled with the guilt of not sending her because of the price. Because after all she is going to be in the olympics someday and we can't have her being embarrassed because she fell off the bars because she didn't get the early intervention she so desperately needed! What is so disturbing as a parent is that you hear these conversations in your head and you know how ridiculous it is and yet you still pay the money! Admit it, how many presents have you bought so far for the little kids in your life because of the commercials showing children running to the Christmas tree burgening with gifts? Now all you and I need to do is figure out what we can sell with guilt being the motivator. How about create a holiday where people are supposed to say I love you, even though we are supposed to say it every day, and then sell pre-made messages so people don't even have to say it! Oh yeah, that one's already taken....