Privacy Policy
MC Design & Services, LLC or any of its divisions, does not sell contact information obtained on any of its affiliated websites.
Terms of Service
Prices on this website are subject to review.
MC Design & Services, LLC is not responsible for the content or behavior of any of the businesses, entities or websites linked to MC Design & Services, LLC does not knowingly allow or in any way condone illegal or inappropriate content, businesses or entities to link to this site.
MC Design & Services, LLC will not be responsible financially or otherwise for any loss or inconvenience perceived to have been the result of using, or or MC Design & Services, LLC's designs or services.
Website hosting providers are responsible for "up" or "down" time of a website. User Agreements will be provided to website design clients.
MC Design & Services, LLC is not responsible for the content or behavior of any of the businesses, entities or websites linked to MC Design & Services, LLC does not knowingly allow or in any way condone illegal or inappropriate content, businesses or entities to link to this site.
MC Design & Services, LLC will not be responsible financially or otherwise for any loss or inconvenience perceived to have been the result of using, or or MC Design & Services, LLC's designs or services.
Website hosting providers are responsible for "up" or "down" time of a website. User Agreements will be provided to website design clients.